Lubomir Ftacnik , nascut el 1957
ELO 2550
Jugador professional des de fa 30 anys
GM des de 1980
Campió d'Europa Juvenil 1977
Subcampió del Món Juvenil 1976
Ha jugat 16 Olimpíades des Malta 1980 ( excepte Elista 1998 )
Campionats d'Europa Individuals en 2003 , 2005 , 2007 , 2011
Campionat del Món FIDE - Khanty Mansyisk 2005
Nombrosos tornejos i matches , 1r Trnava 1988 , 1r Haninge 1989 , 1r Sydney Mercantile 1991 ,
1r Ischia 1996 , 1r Neuchatel op 1996 , 1r Bronstein Jubilee 1999 , 1r ( empatat ) en a World open Philadelphia 2008 ,
Maximum Elo 2618 (Desembre 2001) , durant 20 anys en el top 100 FIDE
Millor alumne : Jan Markos 2585 ( Eslovakia )
online coaching
New Jersey - Kopec Chess camps (8 vegades entre 1999-2008 )
Philadelphia - Bryn Mawr Chess camp 2006
South Carolina - Entrenaments i simultànies des de 2006 fins a la data
Sydney Jets júnior squad 2013
Publicacions :
Informador d'escacs , Enciclopèdia d'obertures , finals
Revistes d'escacs - articles
Llibres sobre obertures , Olimpíades d'escacs ...
Guanyar La Partida Guanyada ( amb Danny Kopec )
Jugadors del Nou Mil · lenni ( amb Walter Browne , Danny Kopec )
L'Obertura Siciliana ( Grandmaster Repertoir )
ChessBase - Opening disks , Mat en 20 moviments , ChessBase Magazine , Mega database
DVDs Scheveningen , Gruenfeld , Repertori amb 1.Cf3 , Repertori amb 1.d4
Lubomir Ftacnik
Born 30.10.1957 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Education: Degree in Solid State Physics, 1982 Comenius University, Bratislava
Language skills: English, German, Russian, Czech, Serbo-Croatian.
Chess – for 30 years professional chess player
Chess Grandmaster since 1980
1977 European championship U20
1976 World championship U20 (behind Mark Diesen)
Chess Olympiads 16 since Malta 1980 (exception 1998 Elista)
European individual championship - 2003,2005,2007,2011
FIDE World championship - Khanty Mansyisk 2005
Numerous tournaments and matches, 1st Trnava 1988, 1st Haninge 1989, 1st Sydney Mercantile 1991,
1st Ischia 1996, 1st Neuchatel op 1996, 1st Bronstein Jubilee 1999, shared 1st in World open Philadelphia 2008,
Maximum rating 2618 (January 2001), for 20 years in top 100 in the world on rating lists
Chess Teaching:
Best pupil: Jan Markos 2585 (Slovakia)
Online coaching
New Jersey - Kopec Chess camps (8 times in years 1999-2008)
Philadelphia - Bryn Mawr Chess camp 2006
South Carolina - Coaching and simuls 2006 onwards
Sydney Jets junior squad 2013
Chess Publications:
Chess Informant, Encyklopedia of openings, endings
Chess Magazines - articles
Chess books on openings, Chess Olympiads …
Winning the won game (with Danny Kopec)
Players of the New Millenium (with Walter Browne, Danny Kopec)
Sicilian Opening (Grandmaster Repertoir)
ChessBase – Opening disks, Mate in 20 moves, ChessBase Magazine, Mega database
DVDs Scheveningen, Gruenfeld, Repertoir with 1.Nf3, Repertoir with 1.d4