Csaba Balogh, nascut el 1987
ELO 2632

Obté la seva norma de MI a 2002
GM el 2004
Campió d'Europa sub 16 2003
Membre de l'equip nacional Campió del Món sub 16 i d'Europa sub 18 per equips en 2003.
Subcampió d'Hongria 2006
Empatat 2n-5è a l'Open de Dubai 2011
Entre els seus millors èxits destaca la victòria sobre Korchnoi en la 5a edició del Memorial Gyorgy Marx (2007)

Csaba Balogh, born in 1987
ELO 2632

Balogh earned his IM title in 2002 and in 2004 he was recognized as a Grandmaster. He won the U-16 section of the 2003 European Youth Chess Championship. Balogh was also a member of the national team that won both the U-16 World Team Championship 2003 and the U-18 European Team Championship in 2003. In 2006 he finished 2nd in the Hungarian Chess Championship. In 2011 he tied for 2nd-5th with Parimarjan Negi, Murtas Kazhgaleyev and Jon Ludvig Hammer in the 13th Dubai Open Chess Championship.
The game Balogh describes as one of his "most memorable", is a win over Viktor Korchnoi, at the 5th Gyorgy Marx Memorial (2007)